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You Have Found Me! Welcome to D'Ash's FutureTell...

Experience Real Spiritual & Esoteric Insights

I am an experienced clairvoyant, clairaudient, & clairsentient empath who channels information & healing from several spiritual sources.  


I quickly connect to your situation and prefer answering questions related to your future.


For those searching for healing in the emotional, intellectual, physical and/or spiritual areas my abilities are highly developed and can accommodate numerous anomalies.


I step into your situation and explain what is occurring currently and how this may impact you. â€‹â€‹


I have worked in the above since I was a child, implementing a variety skill sets for many decades.


I connect to your individual vibration and cellular blueprint.


I am neutral and non-judgmental.


Areas we can explore include love, family, finances, career, life's daily grind & varying ailments.

I have a practical business and academic background.


My life experience is holistic, including travelling and living within numerous cultures.

I am a great listener and enjoy helping individuals from all types of diverse backgrounds.


I am a huge believer in inclusivity and equality across all lifestyles, religious beliefs, genders and cultures.


Place yourself somewhere that is quiet, and feel free to chat about any chosen subject.



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Seize the Moment  (Carpe Diem)

Latest Insights

Meet D'Ash

Experience Spiritual Guidance

D'Ash is a seasoned clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient empath, dedicated to harnessing the universe's guiding energy to elevate the life of her clients. 

Since 1986, D'Ash has offered exceptional psychic services, helping clients channel the right energy for personal transformation.

Reach out today to start your path toward spiritual enlightenment.

As a white light empath, a rare and powerful form of sentient skill, D'Ash serves as a spiritual mirror, aiding others in their personal growth.

This unique ability allows D'Ash to provide the highest level of emotional connection and understanding, whether as a psychic reader, clairvoyant, clairsentient, or channeller.

With decades of experience, D'Ash has supported individuals from all walks of life, free from prejudice or judgment.

D'Ash's expertise includes navigating relationships, heartache, abandonment, trauma, bereavement, and offering ongoing spiritual guidance in the areas of career, finance, health, love and business.

Your journey is D'Ash's passion and purpose.

D'Ash deeply cherishes the opportunity to facilitate spiritual healing and growth.

D'Ash's esoteric practice is influenced by the rich spiritual traditions of generations of grandmothers who have passed the skill down only to the most worthy within each familial generation.

Through D'Ash's channelling of her family's transgenerational guides, clear messages from the spiritual realm are delivered to the physical world via clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.

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Client Feedback

At D'Ash FutureTell, we pride ourselves on delivering impeccable results and providing excellent service to our clients. Read what our satisfied clients have to say about their experience with D'Ash.
Riley Jones

“D'Ash provided me with valuable insights into my personal life and career. The psychic abilities were and are truly remarkable and I highly recommend them to anyone in need of spiritual guidance.”

Payton Hillman

“I was sceptical at first, but D'Ash's psychic reading was spot on and it provided me with valuable insights into my future and allowed me to explore options so that I could make important decisions with confidence.”

Avery Smith

“D'Ash's psychic abilities are truly amazing. They were able to provide me with insights into my love life that I never would have discovered on my own. Thank you, D'Ash!”

Winter Lake

@2023 D'Ash FutureTell

DISCLAIMER: The Law States that Psychic Readings and healings are for entertainment purposes only and you must be over 18 years of age to use this service. Psychic readings are not to be interpreted for medical, legal, financial or psychiatric professional advice. Any advice and discussions are designed to be treated as entertainment not as an approach to your daily decision making. 

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